Elizabeth Sloane Institute of Technology ESIT

About Us

Established in 2018, then called Elizabeth Sloane Learning, our organization empowers students in their pursuit of learning, discovery, leadership, and engagement. Elizabeth Sloane Institute of Technology (ESIT) is an online institution of higher learning that specializes in cybersecurity and data privacy training, enabling graduates to obtain advanced cyber and data skillsets. Our unique program allows our graduates to lead their peers to strategically and effectively manage cybersecurity and data privacy risks in their organization. Furthermore, our graduates are given an invaluable set of skills that will open up ample employment opportunities, expanding their world and lives.

Welcome to ESIT

The ESIT community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better living environment through education, innovation, and research. We have developed an online platform to mirror the essence of universities: community, access, opportunities for career growth, and a stellar curriculum with a self paced model. We are obsessed with solving big societal problems by using technology. Through our various partnerships, we endeavor to support students who are interested in learning while also researching. We welcome talented people regardless of their orientation.

Founded to accelerate the challenges of the digital revolution, ESIT is profoundly African. With ingenuity and drive, our ESIT Labs network and graduates have invented fundamental technologies, launched new products, and created opportunities for many across the globe. We aim to position our institution as the magnet for talent from around the world. Through teaching, research, and innovation, ESIT’s exceptional community pursues its mission of developing and enhancing the capacity of STEM professionals through innovative curriculum and research. By advancing the world of our students, we hope that our efforts will reverberate positively to advance the world at large.


Our Mission

To develop and enhance the capacity of technology professionals through innovative curriculum and research, which will advance their world and life through gainful employment.

Economic Impact of Cybercrime

At $600 Billion
and Counting

With No Slowing Down

February 21, 2018

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), in partnership with McAfee, presents Economic Impact of Cybercrime – No Slowing Down, a global report that focuses on the significant impact that cybercrime has on economies worldwide. The report concludes that close to $600 billion, nearly one percent of global GDP, is lost to cybercrime each year, which is up from a 2014 study that put global losses at about $445 billion. The report attributes the growth over the prior three years to cybercriminals quickly adopting new technologies and the ease of cybercrime growing as actors leverage black markets and digital currencies.